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Reset my password

Follow these simple steps to request a new password in your Serviceform account.

Follow these simple steps to request a new password in your Serviceform account.

  1. Visit Serviceform dashboard
  2. Click on Forgot your password
  3. Enter the email address associated with the account you wish to recover and click Reset password
  4. Click on Reset my password button on the email and you will be redirected to the Password Reset page where you can create your new password.

Please refer to the visual guide below if you wish to read the instructions in detail

  1. Visit Serviceform dashboard
Login page

2. Click on Forgot your password

Forgot your password

3. Enter the email address associated with the account you wish to recover and click Reset password

Forgot password - popup

4. You will receive a Password reset email from Serviceform, if you didn't receive the email, please check your spam/junk folder.

5. Click on Reset my password button on the email and you will be redirected to the Password Reset page where you can create your new password.

Password reset email

You can now use your new password and login to your Serviceform account to create conversion tools for your website!