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Statistics overview

Learn how to check the statistics of the Serviceform Tools and the website.

The following is a list of the integrations supported by our system, highlighting key features and benefits. Click on any of the below integrations to explore detailed guides and connect the right tools to your system(s).

Native integrations

In the statistics section, you will be able to check the performance and engagement of your website and your Serviceform tools. In this article, you will learning about the statistics and how they are calculated.

To access the statistics, click on Statistics which is located on the left side pane.

The data will start appearing in this page after the pixel and the tools is installed on your Website.

If you have connected multiple websites, you can select the pixel accordingly to check the statistics of the respective site and tools.

You also can select the date range, if you want to check the statistics for a specific period. By default it is set to 7 days.

Once you have selected the pixel, you will be able to check the performance of:

Tools statistics

Website statistics

Live chat statistics

Product statistics

Tools statistics

In this section, you will be able to check how well the tools are performing. Individual tool performance can be checked by selecting a tool under the Tool filter.

Once you have selected a tool, you will be able to find the following:

• Tool Views

Tools views represent the cumulative number of times your tools have been viewed. The unique views, in brackets, indicate the total unique visitors who have seen your tools.

For instance, assume that two visitors came to your site and viewed the Serviceform tools you have installed. They viewed the tools a total of 5 times. In this scenario, there would be 5 total views and 2 unique views.

• Interactions

Interactions refer to the total number of unique visitors who have clicked on one of your tools. Note that clicking on the minimize/ close button located just above the tool is not counted as an interaction. Interaction rate(in brackets) is the rate of interactions as a percentage of unique visitors.

• Leads

Leads are generated when users start a conversation with your chatbot and submit their information. In brackets, you will be able to find the the percentage of unique visitors who have submitted a lead.

• Live Chats

Live chats are the conversations which are initiated from your website and other social channels (Including WhatsApp). The total number of live chats and the total number of live chats as a percentage of interactions is provided (In brackets).

• Redirects

Redirects are when visitors are directed to other pages from your tools. This helps you understand how users navigate through your tools and identify areas for improvements.

Website statistics

Under this section, you will be able to check the statistics of your Website. The data can be filtered by countries, type, language, source, browser and device.

• Page Views

Page views are the total number of times your website pages are loaded by visitors. High page views indicate high traffic and engagement on your website.

• Unique Views

Unique views represent the number of unique visitors to your website.

• Submissions

Submissions are tracked through Serviceform conversion tracking, with Serviceform tools. This represents the number of submissions done via the Serviceform tools.

• Bounced Users

Bounced users are visitors who leave your site within 10 seconds without any interaction. Bounce rate(In brackets) is the the percentage of unique visitors who left the website within 10 seconds without any interaction.

• Duration

Duration measures the average time a user spends on your website.

Live chat statistics

In this section, you will be able to check the statistics of the live chat conversations made via Serviceform tools. The data can be filtered by team, agent, source, tag and reviews.

• Live Chat : Total live chats with your team, providing insights into customer engagement and support.

• Missed Chats : The number of live chats that took over 40 seconds to answer or are not answered at all.

• Waiting Time : Average waiting time for a customer to be answered.

• Between Messages : Average time between messages in a chat sent by the live chat agents.

• Chat Duration : Average duration of a chat from start to last message.

• Reviews : Average review score and the count of reviews from your customers about the live agent.

• Phone (Leads) : Leads generated when customers provide their phone numbers in live chat conversations.

• Email (Leads) : Leads generated when customers provide their emails in live chat conversations.

• Tickets Created : Number of tickets created from chats.

Products statistics

In this page, you will be able to find a list of pages of your website ranked based on the views. Using this information, you will be able to understand which page is performing well.

Now you will be able to obtain valuable insights of your website and tools via the Statistics section. By analyzing key metrics such as views, interactions, leads, and chat data, you can make informed decisions to improve user experience and optimize outcomes efficiently.