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Pop up Functionality

Learn about the functionality of pop ups.
How to access the Pop up settings?

To access the Pop settings of your Chatbot:

1. Login to your Serviceform account and select the tool(Chatbot or Live chat) that you want to edit.

2. Click on Pop up which is located just below the Design option.

How to change between different types of pop ups?

Pop ups can be customized to display different elements based on your preference. Select your pop up type here:

Each pop up type comes with different functionality and design:

• Regular

This pop up includes an Avatar, and buttons from the flow. You will be able to choose from which element of the flow you want to get the buttons from.

• Minimal - Buttons only

This pop up only includes buttons from a specific element of the flow, which you can choose.

• Minimal - Text

This pop up has both the text and the buttons from an element of the flow. Unlike regular pop up, this pop up displays the text separately from the buttons.

• Video

This pop up can include a video along with the title and subtitle. You can check the requirements to upload a video into your Chatbot's pop up.

• Write now - Live chat

This pop up displays a text area in addition to the header and subtitle. The customers can send messages via this text area which would then initiate alive chat request.

• Write now - No live chat

This is similar to the previous pop up type but this would allow the customers to chat with the AI or initiate the flow by sending a message via the text area.

Refer to the next article to know more about designing the pop up.