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Create a Videoform

Learn how to create and setup a Videoform(video chatbot).

Video chatbots are another interesting way to connect with your customers easily. This article will guide you through creating a Videoform.

1. Login to your Serviceform account and navigate into the Tools section. Click on Add a tool.

2. Select Chatbot.

3. In the design section, set the bot type to Step by step.

4. Optionally, remove the Logo and the header color to prevent the video from being cropped.

5. Select Space between under text placement to increase the height of the bot.

6. Add a background image to display as the thumbnail while the video loads. An animated gif can also be uploaded as background image(Best use case - Loading gif).

Once you have setup the Videoform, you can start adding videos into your bot. Check the next article to know more.