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Artificial Intelligence
Last updated on
February 11, 2025


This article focuses on the AI functionality and how it can be used in Serviceform tools.

The following is a list of the integrations supported by our system, highlighting key features and benefits. Click on any of the below integrations to explore detailed guides and connect the right tools to your system(s).

Native integrations

Getting started with Dynamic form

Create a dynamic form within a few minutes and embed it on your own and/ or business website. Dynamic forms can be customized to serve various purposes. Here are a few ways in which Dynamic forms can be customized:

Enable AI for your tools to provide an uninterrupted customer service to generate quality leads 24/7. This feature can be used in all the Serviceform tools except Forms, Popups, and Lead bars.

In this article, you will learn about:

• AI training with prompts (Chat GPT)

• AI training in Search feature (Coming soon!)

• AI training with assistant ID

• Custom AI training

• AI optimization

AI Training with prompts (Chat GPT)

AI prompts are text instructions which are used to generate desired AI responses. In order to enable this feature :

1. Select your preferred tool and click on Train AI.

2. Enable Chat GPT (AI).

3. Write your preferred prompts for the AI to answer customer queries. Refer this article to know about writing better prompts.

For example, if the prompt is "You are Serviceform AI bot," the AI will respond with "I am Serviceform AI bot" when asked about its identity.

Additionally, you can improve the performance of the AI by adding the CSS selector of an element(s) under Dynamic AI.

CSS selector is the class or ID of the element in your website. This can be your product's name, price, description, etc. You can add multiple selectors into dynamic AI field separated by comma - [.name, #price, .details].

When a customer asks about these details, the AI uses the provided selector to find and provide the correct information.

Make sure to add '#' and '.' (Full stop) in front of the CSS selector for ID and Class name respectively :

AI training with assistant ID

If you have a larger data set of information about your products, terms, policies, etc in a PDF document, you can feed that information to AI. So that AI can read through this document and answer the questions your customers ask. This can be done using the Assistant ID feature.

A PDF file, which includes all of the required information, can be uploaded via the Open AI playground in order to get the Assistant Id. Here's how you can do it :

1. Navigate to the Open AI playground site and sign up/ login into your account.

2. Click Assistants -> Create and name your assistant.

3. Enable File search and click "+ Files". Click Attach once you have uploaded the file.

4. Click on the assistant ID located under the name in order to copy it to the clip board.

5. Navigate back to the dashboard and paste the assistant ID under Assistant ID. Click on Save.

Custom AI training

AI can be trained to provide pre-set responses for specific keywords and can be linked to a section in the flow.

For example, AI can be trained to direct the user to the contact section in the flow when the users types "Contact".

1. Under Train AI, Click "+Add custom training".

2. Type the keywords which will initiate the custom response and jump to the specific section of the flow.

You can type multiple keywords in the same custom response separated by comma. For example - contact, sales support, agent, etc.

3. Select the question to which the user should be directed.

4. Type the custom response and click on Save.

Refer to the video guide below :

AI optimization

Improve the AI's efficiency by updating the prompts and adding custom instructions referring to the AI review statistics :

1. In the Dashboard, click Statistics.

2. Click on AI review.

Refer to the video guide :

The statistics would be visible only if the customer has reviewed the response of the AI :

With this information you can improve the AI prompts and add custom instructions.

Linking AI with Flex xRM

You can link your tool’s AI to your Flex space, allowing the AI to access information from xRM to answer customer queries :

1. Navigate to xRM and click on Add space. Select Start from scratch as your work space and name your space.

2. Click on ⚙️ located next to your space's name and switch the space to a public.

3. Click on Fields and add a new field. Select Text Field, name your field, and click Save Field. This will be your question field.

4. Add another field and follow the same steps as in the previous step. This will be your answer field. Save your space.

5. Click on Add View and create a new item. Enter your question as the title and the answer as the description. Save your item.

6. Navigate to Train AI tab in the Tool builder. Enable AI and select your Flex space under Get data for AI from xRM. Save your tool.

You can verify the setup by asking the relevant question in the bot.

AI Intents

This feature can be used to add key words to specific questions in your Chatflow to guide AI responses. If a customer’s query doesn’t match, the AI uses these intents as a fallback, displaying relevant flow questions.

This can be done by :

1. Select your preferred question in the chat flow, scroll down the left pane to find the AI intent option, and enter the keywords.

2. Click Train AI and select AI intents from flow under Fall back questions for AI.

By following these steps and utilizing the various training and optimization features, you can ensure your AI provides accurate and helpful responses to customers, enhancing their experience and generating quality leads for your business 24/7.