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Dynamic tags

Learn how to make use of dynamic tags in your Chat flow.

You can update the information in the chatflow dynamically based on the data submitted by the customer. Here is how you can do it:

1. Navigate to the chat flow in the tool builder.

2. For instance, if you want to use the data submitted by the customer in field 1 and 2 of question 2 (Form type question), you will be able to use the following tags for :

• #question2field1

• #question2field2

If the third question is a multiple choice question you can get the answer chosen by the customer using :

• #Q3

3. You can use the data submitted by the customer in another question by using the tags mentioned above.

For instance, if you want to use it in question 4 :

"Thank you #question2field1. We will get back with the information regarding #Q3"

4. Click on Preview the Chatbot. Note that the dynamic tags are not visible in the chatbot preview located in the left side of tools builder page.

With the use of dynamic tags you can provide a personalized experience to your customers. Give it a try! 🚀