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WhatsApp for Business
Last updated on
January 21, 2025

WhatsApp Meta tili

Opettele, kuinka asentaa ja konfiguroida Serviceformin WhatsApp for Business.

The following is a list of the integrations supported by our system, highlighting key features and benefits. Click on any of the below integrations to explore detailed guides and connect the right tools to your system(s).

Native integrations

Getting started with Dynamic form

Create a dynamic form within a few minutes and embed it on your own and/ or business website. Dynamic forms can be customized to serve various purposes. Here are a few ways in which Dynamic forms can be customized:

Aloittaaksesi sinun on:

• Kirjaudu Facebook-tilillesi (pääkäyttäjä) ja luo Meta-tili tämän linkin kautta.

• Vahvista Meta Business -tilisi. Tutustu tähän oppaaseen saadaksesi lisätietoja.

• Varmista, että sinulla on pääkäyttäjäoikeudet tiliisi.

• Poista kaksivaiheinen tunnistautuminen käytöstä WhatsApp-puhelinnumeroosi. Tutustu tähän linkkiin saadaksesi lisätietoja.

Tämä artikkeli kattaa seuraavat aiheet:

• Meta-tilin luominen

• Sovelluksen luominen Metassa

• Webhookin määrittäminen

• WhatsApp APIluominen

• Ehtojen ja käytäntöjen lisääminen

• Käyttäjäroolin luominen pysyvän käyttöoikeustunnuksen saamiseksi

Kuinka luoda Meta-tili?

1. Once you have logged into your Facebook, navigate to the developers' page. Click on Get Started.

2. Confirm your Facebook account and click Continue.

3. Verify your account using your mobile number. If you have already verified your account using your mobile then you would not see this page.

4. Confirm your E-mail.

5. Confirm a role that describes you the best and complete the registration.

Create an App

1. Click on Create App.

2. Select the used case. If you are intending to link our chatbot with your WhatsApp business account, choose Other and click on next.

3. Select Business under App type.

4. Name your application and enter an E-mail address. Select the business manager account if you have already created one and click on Create App and re-enter your password.

Setup a Webhook

1. In your Dashboard, click on Set up under Web hooks.

2. Choose WhatsApp Business account and click on Subscribe to this object.

3. Enter "" as the Call back URL and "jec6mqz*vmc5ZBQ@kef" as the verification token. Click on verify and save.

4. Subscribe for Messages.

Setup WhatsApp API

1. Go back to your Dashboard, click on Set up WhatsApp.

2. If you have already set up a Business Account, skip to step 5. If not click on Continue.

3. Click on Create an Account.

4. Enter your Business details and submit. Confirm your Business account via verification e-mail that you received.

5. You will be re-directed back to the WhatsApp API page. Click on continue.

6. Click on Add phone number.

7. Enter your Business information and click on Next.

8. Enter a name for your WhatsApp business profile as it will be displayed to the customers. Select the time zone, category of your business and enter a business description(optional). Click on Next once you are done.

9. Add your phone number and verify. Make sure that your number is not registered either on personal or WhatsApp business. If it is registered, you will have to delete your account. Refer this link to know more. Make sure that you have disabled two factor authentication.

10. In the API Setup dashboard, you can find you number along with the Phone Number ID and Business account ID.

Add Terms and privacy policy

1. Click on Basic under App Settings.

2. Enter the URL link of your Terms and Privacy policy, you can use our Terms and Policy link if you do not have your own but it is recommended to add your own URL. Click on Save changes.

3. Switch on App mode.

Create a user role

1. Visit Facebook Business Page and select your business.

2. Click on System Users under Users Tab. Click on Add.

3. Enter a System username and select Admin under System User Role and Create System user.

4. Click Assign Assets.

5. Click on Apps and select your App. Provide full access to manage the app. Save the changes.

6. Generate a new token.

7. Select your app and set Token expiration to Never.

9. Select whatsapp_business_messaging and whatsapp_business_ management under available permissions. Generate the token.

10. Keep a note of the token ID.

It is advisable to verify your business account as well. Refer this guide to know more.

Once you have followed the above steps, make sure to have a copy of the Phone number ID, Business ID, and Access token ID.

Next step is to integrate your tools with your WhatsApp business account!