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Chat flow

Learn how to customize and add elements into the flow.

The following is a list of the integrations supported by our system, highlighting key features and benefits. Click on any of the below integrations to explore detailed guides and connect the right tools to your system(s).

Native integrations

Quick start

This article mainly focuses on the basics settings and configurations of the conversational flow. Here is how you can access the flow settings in your Tools builder interface:

You can find a set of elements in the flow section which you can add into the conversation. It varies based on the type of the tool you are working on. Elements can be added in to the flow by clicking on Add question button and selecting an element from the left pane:

Once you start adding elements into the flow, a live preview can be seen on the right hand side of the page:

Now let's have a look at each element to get a better understanding:


To be simple, this is a line of sentence which you can include anywhere in your conversation as a message. If your message is too long, it can be broken down into paragraphs for the customer to read easily.

Text question

This is a statement with a form via which the customers can submit their data. You can add more fields into the form, such as Name, Address, Number, etc by selecting an option within it and pressing enter. The data collected can be sent as lead by configuring the jump(ADD LINK).


This is similar to the Text statement but this comes with pre set text areas, which are Name, Email, Phone, and Message. You can easily customize these fields and if you do so, make sure that you update the validations.

Select one

This is a statement with a few options from which one option can be selected. The Element and it's option can be configured to jump to different sections of the flow or run custom actions.

Select multiple

This is a statement with the option to choose multiple answers.

Site search

This is a Search bar which can be used to browse your Website.

AI question

This can be given with prompts to answer the queries.

File upload

This allows the user to upload any type of files.


This would allow the customer to select a date and/ or time.


This can be used in Form, Side bar, and Pop up tool types.

Note that the elements that can be added into the flow differs based on the bot type.

Adding jumps into the Flow

To have the Chat conversation in order, you can add jumps between the elements in a more optimized way to generate more leads. To build the Chat flow in a more optimal manner, it is advisable to add jumps once you are done adding elements. Here is how you can do it:

• Click on an element and select to which section of the flow you want to jump to under the Always jump to tab.

• Jumps can be set to the options within the element as well.

• Sending leads via Jumps. You can either choose to send leads and continue jumping to another element or send lead and stop the chat.

Note that if there are no jumps set, the flow will be continued in chronological order. It does not matter in what order you have the elements as long as you have set the jumps properly.

Each of these elements can be customized in different ways with the use of Actions. Once you are done, do not forget to save and preview the tool.

Chat flow Actions

Multiple actions can be added to each and every element in the Chat flow based on the use case.

To add an action to the questions:

• Select an element and click on Actions to access the Action bar. Now, click on Add new action.

• Actions can be added to the options in the elements as well.

Actions functionality

Actions can be used to perform different tasks ranging from notifying a specific team to setting a custom validation. Let's understand how each action work:

• Send notification

This can be used to notify a specific team when a particular element has been reached in the Chat flow. For example, this can be used notify the Live chat team when the customer clicks on the Live agent button in the flow.

• Set team

Specify the team at the start of the chat flow, and then add a Send notification action in the latter part to Team set in flow. If you have disabled the text area from the design panel, enabling this action will re open the text area.

• Set visibility

This option can be used to display an option within an element based on the availability of a team/ business hours. For instance, the Live agent request button can be set to be visible only when the Live chat team is online.

• Add price

Assign values to elements and/ or options which would get accumulated based on the chat messages the flow has passed. The accumulated amount can be accessed by having this code - {{#amount}} - in the element's text.

• Hidden tokens

This can be used to store values which can be used to create a customized link at the end of the chat, filtering products on a website.

Hidden tokens can be assigned to both elements and options within it. Once defined, you can use it in the flow as text and as a part of a URL to redirect. It can be accessed by typing "#tokenN" where N is the number of the element, for example, for the token from the second element would be "#token2".

• Redirect

This action can be used to redirect the customer to another URL.

• Run custom JS

Custom Javascript can be executed via this action.

• Webhook

Add custom callbacks/ webhooks. This will override the webhook set for the tool.

• Custom JSON lead validation

This is used to tag elements and/ or options to send the data to your E-mail address in JSON lead format. Make sure that you have set up the JSON lead integration which can be found in the settings section in your Main dashboard. You will receive an Email separately in JSON lead format once the chat is complete(Lead sent).

Note that you will need to set up the integration in the Dashboard setting panel.

• Single flow integration

The options chosen and the details submitted by the customer throughout one specific flow will be sent through a specific integration that you have set up. For instance, if your question has 2 options, you can set single flow integration to both options separately so that the data specific to that flow will be sent.

In the example below, if the "Car" option is chosen, only the details of the car collected from the question 3 will be sent to the Integration named "Single flow integration".

Note that you will need to set up the integration in the Dashboard setting panel.

• Custom validation

This can be assigned to Text questions (Input), Select one and Select multiple and the data can be sent to external CRMs.

When assigning this to a text question element, the data input by the customer will be sent. The Custom validation for Select one and Select multiple will send the option's text.

With the use of these actions, you can optimize your tools to provide a more interactive experience and get more leads.